So yesterday I ventured into the world of blogging... Like I said.. I am doing this not only as an outlet- but for "educational purposes" as well.
For those of you who have kids, you'll appreciate this post...
Let me preface this entry with a little background. Throughout high school, I had three very close friends. The odd thing about our little "gang" is that we were all as different as you could get (think Sisterhood of The Traveling Pants). I received an email from one of them talking about how she just *loved* the show "Jon and Kate + 8". I am also a huge fan of the show.
To me, it is one of the "realest" reality shows out there. It accurately portrays a real-life marriage, and the conversations that husbands and wife actually DO have, that includes the seemingly "bad" looks, and "tones" that some might call snappy. I could not believe that one of my dear friends actually despised the show! Below you'll see my response to the show's critic...
"As far as them being “hateful”…. Yeah she can be a bit bossy.. and he’s not the most… hmm sincere person… however- I love them because that is them- they’re real. They don’t try to schmooze it up for the cameras and make parenthood all glamorous…
The truth is.. there ARE times when you’re that short- because you have literally NO more patience left in you.
You’ve been running around all day- the baby’s crying and dropping everything everywhere.. including any sorts of snacks you hand to them to appease them while you’re at a restaurant just so that you can actually EAT your meal when its WARM and not cold because you’re so SICK of cold food.. and cold coffee (even though you’re not having coffee- you’re reminded that you don’t know what hot coffee IS anymore).. they’re screaming while you’re walking through the mall…. And yes- people will look at you like you’re beating them when you’re forcing them into their car seats because they’ve learned to arch their backs in order to fight you on going in. Oh yes- there ARE times when you might come across as hateful (and those around you will take it as you being hateful or disrespectful because of your tone..) …. HOWEVER… that’s what being married is about- being able to determine tones versus true disrespect. Because you get to that point with your hubby to where he knows your response isn’t “personal”… it’s out of frustration and stress… believe me- you’ll say things and react to things in ways you NEVER thought you would.
Just wait till you guys have kids...
But then you get home.. and they’ll give you a kiss.. or lay their head down on you because they’re sleepy.. or they’ll reach for you.. and you take a deep breath and remember WHY you do it and how you’re able to maintain your sanity. I love them because you can tell in the parts where they interview Jon and Kate that they really do love each other- and they have their ups and downs… but they’ve realized that its not about THEM – its about their kids.
That said though- yes- some of those kids DO need a swift smack on the butt- but I’m sure there are many “behind the scenes” kind of things they can and can’t do- and maybe spanking is something they’ve agreed to not do while filming.. and I’m sure some of the kids have picked up on that…
Lol… a new definition of “respect” comes into play.. "
That being said... I love their show and applaude them for being able to put their lives "in the spotlight". I could not imagine having eight children and maintaining my sanity (muchless my composure) as well as they have done and are continuing to do. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!
About Me

- KatieB
- I love life. I want to make people excited about theirs, and try and help people find the humor in everyday circumstances. We only live once, why not try to make each day great?
Friday, August 22, 2008
A Day In The Life
Posted by KatieB at 9:46 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Cuisine vs Drive Through
It was suggested to me by one of my good friends that I should consider starting a blog. At the time, I was assisting him in unraveling the “intricacies” of the female mind. I laughed when he mentioned this idea.. because to be completely honest- I’m 99% sure that men over analyze things on a scale comparable to our own “dramatic conclusions”… so from time to time- I “advise” him on certain encounters he has with women.
Now…just to clarify- I’m definitely not in the majority on where I am in life and how I got here… I’m 26, married, and have a baby. Although some might see me as “done with the dating scene” I feel like I’ve got MUCH more to contribute, because basically I feel like I’ve made “right” decisions for me, based on the situations I’ve encountered. Plus since I’m no longer in the dating “scene” – I think without the “love haze”.
Let’s rehash the “current events” section of my life… After being in Denver for 3 years… I found my perfect dog, Murphy… Met the man of my dreams (who is now my husband)…March 24 2007 Got married to my amazingly handsome fireman (don’t worry- same guy)… found out we had an amazing blessing coming our way… July 2, 2008 My entire world changed when I had my little girl .. been taking things day by day ever since.
I have a great job… I work in the energy industry and perform a job which allows me to learn about all aspects of each energy genre- from nuclear to wind. I love it and it is perfect for me because all my days are all different.
For my first entry… I’m going to address a common misconception held by most males. Females do, and always will, talk about sex with their friends… probably more than guys and their buddies talk… however- the conversation is different… an easy comparison would be to do a compare/contrast to a late night drive through menu, and an Italian cook book. Both get to the main dish… however- one tells you EXACTLY what you’ll get and what it costs… while the other explains what goes into it, how it’s made, and how long it takes to get there. Also included are the sordid details from experience giving you handy tips, tricks, and even shortcuts on how to get the desired results. Basically what I'm saying.. is that females utilize their friends for "new recipes"... where as men tend to fall prey to advertising "Fourth Meal"... as well as asking friends if they liked what they ordered.
Moral of the story.. Men - don't expect Fillet Mignon when your history consists of "ordering" off the dollar menu.
Posted by KatieB at 2:58 PM 1 comments