So.. back in October I had informed the online community that I was going to give myself a "life style update"....
I felt that since I announced it in such a manor- I should probably own up to what's been going on.
Let's start with my favorite- church... we've consistently gone to church and Greg and I have actually talked about the sermons!! For those of you who know my husband- having a serious conversation with him that lasts longer than five minutes is like saddling up an elk during the rut. (this is the same guy who when I asked if nuts gave him gas- he laughed- pointed to his crotch and said "well even if they did- I don't think there's much I could do about it... I've grown quite attached to them"...) given yesterday we did make it TO church- as in the parking lot- but we realized we were twenty minutes late... and not that God hands out tardies or anything- but we just felt wrong walking into church during the middle of the sermon- especially since there's no "back door"- you walk in from the side of the sanctuary- so when you're late- EVERYONE SEES YOU... including the pastor- who usually waves... (FINE-WE'RE LATE A LOT! I CAN'T HELP IT!!! It's a genetic predisposition I have...for those of you who know my mother)
Anyways-we're doing good on the church front.
As far as my gym commitment... I have gone each week at least four times (I try for 5)... and in the past 6 weeks I've lost 15 pounds and 14 inches!!!
I'm getting pretty close to where I was in high school... which to me- makes me happy.
About simplifying my life- I feel I've been doing pretty good. I haven't just shopped without need... and even when I've felt the urge to splurge- I haven't. With Christmas coming up- I'm sure I'll be tested... but trial by fire seems to work out well for me- so bring it on!
My stress level has decreased tremendously, probably mostly due to the fact that I'm working out on my lunch.. so my day is split up and I have an outlet for work stress, and I get an hour to be selfish and just worry about me. Which I've found I've kind of come to need. My dad always told me that our family genetics included tendencies for addiction- the trick- he said- was to make sure that you develop healthy addictions. I feel I've capitalized on that.
Like I've said in my previous posts... Life is good.
... and on that note- so is yours! You've just got to capitalize on the good! :)
16 Days.....
14 years ago
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