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I love life. I want to make people excited about theirs, and try and help people find the humor in everyday circumstances. We only live once, why not try to make each day great?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Marriage ... what no one ever tells you..

I have been married to my husband for close to two years now. Given our marriage was "accelerated" by a few things.. however- I think there are a few KEY items that I was never informed about before we "took the plunge". I feel it is my duty to women everywhere to let them know what REALLY happens behind closed doors- because I was completely unprepared.

Those "adorable" little quirks he has that you think are lovable now... will REALLY irk you at some point in the future. He will leave the dishes in the sink when he could easily and effortlessly, just wash them off and throw them in the dish washer. His chivalrous traits will wane slightly, although not all the way. You will at times have to give him "that look" when he forgets to open your car door for you, or doesn't hold the door open, or makes an entrance in front of you.

You WILL get in the BIGGEST fights over petty things because they happen again.... and again... and again.... AND the OTHER things you will fight about will be based around Sex, Money, and Family (and probably in that order).

You WILL have days when you do things to each other just to annoy them.
You WILL have days when you just don't want to talk to him.
You WILL (eventually) fight over who goes to the grocery store.
You WILL come to the realization that there are some things that he will just NEVER understand.
You WILL wonder why you chose to get married in the first place.
You WILL doubt decisions you've made.
You WILL get into a fight because you will be "too tired".
You Will NEVER understand his obsession over some of his "toys".
You WILL yell at him because he does NOT understand that doing the laundry doesn't mean just turning on the washing machine and throwing a load in- a complete "laundry" session constitutes of ACTUALLY remembering to put them in the dryer- and for the 100th time- your FAVORITE sweater does NOT go in the dryer... and that a Dryer sheet is - in fact- a necessity.
You WILL tell him how disgusting he is for clipping his toe nails in random places- and you will have to tell him over and over again to do it over the trashcan or toilet.
You WILL gently (then not so gently) point out that dirty clothes NEXT to the hamper are only inches away from the actual hamper... IT IS NOT THAT HARD TO PUT THEM IN THERE!!!!!
You WILL get grossed out by what he considers "acceptable" breakfast food (Ramen is NOT a breakfast food)
You WILL feel like his mother/keeper at times.

However... with the bad- you've also got a lot of good...
You WILL have some of the best times of your life with him.
He WILL make up for his perceived short comings
You WILL still consider some of his quirks cute.
He WILL be one of the only ones who can totally turn your day around.
You WILL be thankful to be going home to him when you hear your friends talking about their dating experiences
He WILL support and love you and see you through huge changes in your life- and he will fully understand everything going on- because it's his life too.

All in all... you ARE happier being married- but because you love him so much- you're able to get mad at him and yell at him because when it comes down to it... that's what marriage is about. You know all of each other's faults and short comings- but you love each other regardless- and because of that- you love each other even more.