So... the other night on one of those "history channel" specials did an in-depth coverage on the "energy crisis". Of course- since I'm a geek- I watched it- and took notes. (Much to Greg's dismay it was my turn to be couch commando- so he had to suffer through basically a crash course of energy- and watching things he had NO interest in... I took as payback for the endless hours I've had to listen or watch the Rockies)... however- back to the subject...
They interviewed a series of people.. consisting of executives of BP, Exxon, etc., as well as "industry gurus" who have been studying consumption and development patterns and numbers basically their entire life. In opposition, of course they found environmental activists, harking on how oil is keeping renewables from springing up.
Blaming the government for lack of funding/interest...
Let's get to what really irks me.
First and foremost- I see the ACTUAL usage of the entire US on a daily basis. I document and analyze energy projects that are in all stages- just announced, under construction...etc. I can tell you right now- the government isn't keeping renewables from taking over- it's the INABILITY of American's to stomach the costs, and habits that we'd have to take up in order to MAKE them happen.
Let's rehash the typical American's day... we get up.. turn off our alarm clocks..turn on coffee (made with water we don't need to worry if it's drinkable or not)... stumble to the light switch and turn them on without a second thought to whether or not there will be electricity... then we take our shower.. do our grooming routines... make up, hair stuff, blowdryer, etc... once we're done.. then we get breakfast ready for ourselves or kids... which usually means toaster, frying pan... food from the refrigerator or freezer.. milk/juice from the local walmart...or from the pantry- filled with more food items than most families in the world will see in a month... then pick our coffee cup or plate from our choice of dishware...turn on the TV... AND WE HAVEN'T EVEN LEFT OUR HOUSE YET!!!!!
We are all guilty of keeping renewables from happening. The truth is- while there's an abundance of them, they ARE NOT AS RELIABLE (right now) as America would need them to be to support our Mornings- MUCH LESS OUR ENTIRE DAY!!
Even right now- if you're reading this... you're sitting at a computer because you've got time and resources available to you. You probably have a phone sitting within an arm's reach as well.
Basically, what I'm saying is that we have had such a shift in society from providing our own necessitites of life... we no longer have the capability to be self-sufficient! There has been a complete and total change in the habits of this country. We are no longer required to produce our own food, provide shelter, or basically anything else. We've gotten so used to having things HANDED to us- it is now expected and not just expected- but demanded.
Until we experience a shift in our ideaology of expecting to have everything when we want it- our "dependence" on fossil fuels isn't an option- it's a way of life.
16 Days.....
14 years ago
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